我想主辦方有可能會再更改新增一些項目,不管了,先用14 april 2010 @ 10:57 am這個版本。
照nominations ballot複製下來,填入作者/作品名稱與連結:
- 在2010年4月11日到5月30日間,email到femslashwards@yahoo.com(標題請註明nomaination)
- 作品必須是發佈/更新在2009年1月到2010年3月之間的小說、影像、影片等作品。
- 可以是任何在LiveJournal、fanfiction.net、Youtube或其他可以確認發佈日期網站上的故事、影片等作品。
- 內容必須是femslash(女女配對),配角可以是異性戀,但不可以喧賓奪主。總之主角就是要f/f。
其他提名規定、要點請見上篇2010 Femslash Awards 提名與投票規則 。
1 Law-Fic (CM, CSI, NCIS, Life, WMC, etc.)
1.1 Best Overall Fic 最佳法律類小說(整部作品)
1.2 Best Series/Multi-chapter Fic (the fic/series must be started/updated between Jan 2009 and March 2010, it doesn’t need to be finished.) 法律類小說最佳系列/章節(某一集/本或章節)
1.3 Most Romantic Scene 最浪漫場面
1.4 Best Kiss 還要解說....嗎?
1.5 Best Sex/Smut Scene 最佳性愛場面
1.6 Best AU Fic 最佳重新創作小說(AU與原著不同的設定,類似架空小說)
1.7 Most Unique Storyline 最出色故事線(?)
1.8 Best Depiction of a Main Character (everyone listed in the main credits) 最佳主角描述
1.9 Best New Character (Original character) 最佳原創角色
1.10 Best One Shot 最佳單集(One Shot只發行一期的刊物、一次刊登完的小說)
1.11 Best Drabble (up to 500 words) 最佳短篇小說(500字以上)
1.12 Best Seasonal Story (Halloween, Christmas, etc.) 最佳應景故事
1.13 Best Comedy 最佳喜劇
1.14 Best Parody 最佳仿作(不一定是恶搞,也可以是很嚴肅,向大師致敬的作品。)
1.15 Best X-Over 最佳跨越作品(總之就是內容涵蓋多部作品)
1.16 Best Team Fic 最佳團隊作品(不太確定,這指的是小說接龍嗎?)
2 Dr.-Fic (House, Grey's, ER etc.) 醫務類
2.1 Best Overall Fic 最佳醫務類小說
2.2 Best Series/Multi-chapter Fic (see 1.2) 醫務類最佳長篇(系列/多章節)小說
2.3 Most Romantic Scene
2.4 Best Kiss
2.5 Best Sex/Smut Scene
2.6 Best AU Fic
2.7 Most Unique Storyline
2.8 Best Depiction of a Main Character
2.9 Best New Character
2.10 Best One Shot
2.11 Best Drabble
2.12 Best Seasonal Story (Halloween, Christmas, etc.)
2.13 Best Comedy
2.14 Best Parody
2.15 Best X-Over
2.16 Best Team Fic
3 Sci-Fi-Fic (TSCC, Firefly, SG1, Star Trek, BSG, Dr. Who, etc.) 科幻類
3.1 Best Overall Fic
3.2 Best Series/Multi-chapter Fic (see 1.2)
3.3 Most Romantic Scene
3.4 Best Kiss
3.5 Best Sex/Smut Scene
3.6 Best AU Fic
3.7 Most Unique Storyline
3.8 Best Depiction of a Main Character
3.9 Best New Character
3.10 Best One Shot
3.11 Best Drabble
3.12 Best Seasonal Story (Halloween, Christmas, etc.)
3.13 Best Comedy
3.14 Best Parody
3.15 Best X-Over
3.16 Best Team Fic
4 Supernatural-Fic (Twilight, HP, Moonlight, Blood Ties, Buffy, Lost,etc.) 超自然類
4.1 Best Overall Fic
4.2 Best Series/Multi-chapter Fic (see 1.2)
4.3 Most Romantic Scene
4.4 Best Kiss
4.5 Best Sex/Smut Scene
4.6 Best AU Fic
4.7 Most Unique Storyline
4.8 Best Depiction of a Main Character
4.9 Best New Character
4.10 Best One Shot
4.11 Best Drabble
4.12 Best Seasonal Story (Halloween, Christmas, etc.)
4.13 Best Comedy
4.14 Best Parody
4.15 Best X-Over
4.16 Best Team Fic
5 Drama (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Gilmore Girls, SoN, Blue Crush, Loving Annabelle, etc.) 戲劇類/劇情片
5.1 Best Overall Fic
5.2 Best Series/Multi-chapter Fic (see 1.2)
5.3 Most Romantic Scene
5.4 Best Kiss
5.5 Best Sex/Smut Scene
5.6 Best AU Fic
5.7 Most Unique Storyline
5.8 Best Depiction of a Main Character
5.9 Best New Character
5.10 Best One Shot
5.11 Best Drabble
5.12 Best Seasonal Story (Halloween, Christmas, etc.)
5.13 Best Comedy
5.14 Best Parody
5.15 Best X-Over
5.16 Best Team Fic
6 Comic/Manga/Animated/Fairy Tales-Fic (Noir, Hellsing, Sin City, etc.) 漫畫/日漫/動畫/鄉野傳奇
6.1 Best Overall Fic
6.2 Best Series/Multi-chapter Fic (see 1.2)
6.3 Most Romantic Scene
6.4 Best Kiss
6.5 Best Sex/Smut Scene
6.6 Best AU Fic
6.7 Most Unique Storyline
6.8 Best Depiction of a Main Character
6.9 Best New Character
6.10 Best One Shot
6.11 Best Drabble
6.12 Best Seasonal Story (Halloween, Christmas, etc.)
6.13 Best Comedy
6.14 Best Parody
6.15 Best X-Over
6.16 Best Team Fic
7 Fantasy (XWP, Robin Hood, LotR, Legend of the Seeker etc.) 奇幻/幻想類
7.1 Best Overall Fic
7.2 Best Series/Multi-chapter Fic (see 1.2)
7.3 Most Romantic Scene
7.4 Best Kiss
7.5 Best Sex/Smut Scene
7.6 Best AU Fic
7.7 Most Unique Storyline
7.8 Best Depiction of a Main Character
7.9 Best New Character
7.10 Best One Shot
7.11 Best Drabble
7.12 Best Seasonal Story (Halloween, Christmas, etc.)
7.13 Best Comedy
7.14 Best Parody
7.15 Best X-Over
7.16 Best Team Fic
8 Original 原創小說
8.1 Best Overall Fic
8.2 Best Series/Multi-chapter Fic (see 1.2)
8.3 Most Romantic Scene
8.4 Best Kiss
8.5 Best Sex/Smut Scene
8.6 Most Unique Storyline
8.7 Best Depiction of a Main Character
8.8 Best One Shot
8.9 Best Drabble
8.10 Best Seasonal Story (Halloween, Christmas, etc.)
8.11 Best Comedy
8.12 Best Parody
9 Best Overall Femslash Writer 最佳Femslash作者!(我想很多人都知道我會投誰XD)
10 Best Newcomer Writer 最佳新人
11 Best Vidmaker 最佳影片製作者
12 Best Graphic Artist 最佳畫師
13 Best Video 最佳影片
13.1 Best Law-Video 最佳法律類影片
13.2 Best Dr.-Video 最佳醫務類影片
13.3 Best Sci-Fi-Video 最佳科幻類影片
13.4 Best Supernatural-Video 最佳超自然類影片
13.5 Best Drama-Video 最佳戲劇/劇情類影片
13.6 Best Comic/manga/Animated/Fairy Tales-Video 最佳動漫/傳說影片
13.7 Best Fantasy-Video 最佳奇幻類影片
13.8 Best X-Over Video 最佳結合影片
14 Best Graphic 最佳繪畫
14.1 Best Law-Graphic
14.2 Best Dr.-Graphic
14.3 Best Sci-Fi-Graphic
14.4 Best Supernatural-Graphic
14.5 Best Drama-Graphic
14.6 Best Comic/manga/Animated/Fairy Tales-Graphic
14.7 Best Fantasy-Graphic
14.8 Best X-Over-Graphic (Multifandom which include more than one of the above categories)